Page to Stage

See a Show with the Library!

On Saturday, May 31, 2025, Teens have the opportunity to see a spectacular production of Fiddler on the Roof, brilliantly staged by the cast and crew of the Argyle Theatre in Babylon.  

To attend the show and/or the book discussion, register here by May 9th:

And have a Parent/Guardian fill out the Permission Form here by May 9th:


Book Discussion

Sunday May 18th, 1-2pm, at the Emma Clark Library:

Teens are encouraged to read Tevye the Dairyman by Sholem Aleichem in advance and attend our Book to Stage discussion of the text at the Library. We will serve snacks, talk about the book, and discuss our favorite adaptations, and how they translated the work to a new medium.

Copies of Tevye the Dairyman are available in print at the Library, or as an ebook or audiobook on Libby.

If you can’t make the discussion, please still join us for the stage show!


Stage Show

Saturday, May 31st, 2:00pm at the Argyle Theatre in Babylon, NY:

Join us at the Argyle Theatre in Babylon for a matinee performance of Fiddle on the Roof!  The theatre is located at 34 W Main St, Babylon, NY 11702.  Library Staff will chaperone the trip, meeting all attendees in the lobby of the theatre at 2:00pm.  The show begins at 2:30pm. Teens will have the opportunity to join us for a discussion after the show, at the Babylon Bean Coffee House next door to the theatre.  Teens must be picked up by 6:30pm from the Babylon Bean.

Tickets are provided to teens at a deeply discounted cost of $40 per person (down from $90), payable in cash or by check to the Library.  Payment is due by Sunday May 18th, and may be dropped off at the Book Discussion meeting on Sunday May 18th at 1pm, or earlier by appointment with Emily Ostrander, Teen Dept Head Librarian (to book an appointment, email  Adults may join their teens for the show; if they want to sit with the group, taking advantage of the discounted rate, they must purchase their tickets from the Library, at the same time as their teen.