Free Classes & College Prep

Looking to enhance your school experience, pursue specific interests, and/or enhance your knowledge of a topic?  Check out all the free resources the Emma Clark Library provides!

Online Classes

We have a variety of online learning platforms available, including:

  • Brainfuse: 3 different resources that are helpful for teens:
    • CollegeNow: Application, admissions interview, and financial aid resources, as well as live guidance counselors, and a writing lab
    • HelpNow: Live tutors, homework help, skills-building, 24-hour writing lab, 24/7 homework question center, adult learning center, foreign language center, and Spanish-speaking support
    • JobNow:  Live resume assistance, career planning, live career coaching, and live interview preparation
  • Creative Bug:  Thousands of award-winning art & craft video classes taught by recognized design experts and artists
  • Learning Express: Academic, career development and lifelong learning tutorials, test-preparation, and skill-building resources
  • Linkedin Learning: Thousands of online courses taught by experts, to help broaden your knowledge and enhance your academic, technology-related, and creative skills.
  • Muzzy:  Language learning program for kids and younger teens
  • Pronunciator: Language-learning system for teens and adults
  • Universal Class: Training and continuing education courses, featuring over 500 courses on a wide range of subjects

eBooks, eAudiobooks, eMagazines, Movies, Music, and More

We offer access to a variety of free downloadable materials through various platforms, including:

  • Libby: eBooks, eAudiobooks, Movies, and Music
  • Kanopy: Movies
  • Hoopla: eBooks, eAudiobooks, Movies, and Music
  • Flipster: eMagazines
  • Tumble Books: Children’s eBooks

The Great Courses

We own over 300 of the Great Courses lecture series on DVD, and over 500 more as downloadable videos/audiobooks!  The Great Courses are a series of recorded college courses from around the world, taught by some of the best professors in their fields of study, which our patrons can access from the comfort of their own homes!

Online Databases

We offer free access to over 50 databases that cover topics in health, medicine, arts, humanities, science, technology, literature, genealogy, business, law, social sciences, and more!  You can even access most of these databases from home with your library card!


We offer a variety of entertaining, educational, and enlightening programs for all ages.

Museum Exploration Passes

Reserve a free pass for yourself and a set number of family members or friends to visit one of our local museums, and get up-close and personal with a wide array of works of art, historical items, live animals, and more!

Library of Things

Books, movies, music, and videogames are not the only items you can check out from the Emma Clark Library!  We have a “Library of Things” for you to borrow as well!  Just some of the items include binoculars, a telescope, a Canon Camera, and a Cricut machine!  Great for exploring nature, technology, art, and more!


Looking to help your community and earn community service hours?  Check out the Emma Clark Library Teen Department’s Volunteering opportunities!  There are in-person programs, volunteering in the community options, remote review programs, Watch & Learn videos, take & make donations, and more!

Time with a Tech

If you need tech help, look no further than our Time with a Tech program!  Our Technology Librarian and IT Manager are happy to assist you with library downloads, virtual offerings, and technology, setting up virtual communication options, the use of mobile devices, phones, tablets, and laptops, Office applications, exploring web browsers, Roku and Fire Stick devices, and more!