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Library Teen Volunteers Needed!

Teen Tech Tutors

In the Tech Help (from teens) program, teen volunteers will meet in the Tech Center to teach library patrons how to use their mobile devices and answer simple computer questions.  The program typically takes place on the first and third Thursday of each month, from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m, as well as one Saturday from 10:00am to 12:00pm and one Sunday from 2:00pm to 4:00pm each month. Two to four tutors will be scheduled for each session.  Teens will earn community service credit.
If you would like to Volunteer, please apply here:
And have your parent/guardian fill out this Consent Form:

In addition to filling out the forms above, all tech tutors must receive training prior to volunteering at the Tech Help (from teens) program.  Trainings are offered several times a year, and any eligible teens will be contacted when the next training is scheduled.

Local Teen Volunteering Opportunities


FAQs for Community Service Credit Hours

Are there any opportunities to earn community service credit available through The Library?

Yes!  There are tons of opportunities to earn community service credit hours available through The Library, both in-person, and remotely!  Check them all out here:

Do the opportunities you are offering “count” for my organization?

The Teen Services Department tries their best to provide a variety of programming that will appeal to teens, and fill needs in our community.  However, it is up to you to make sure that the activities you participate in through The Library will be accepted by your organization.  Always double check with your chair/leader if you are not sure if an activity will count.

After I participate in a community service program, how do I get documentation of my community service credit hours?

After you participate in a program, you should expect an email from the Teen Services Department Head Librarian, Emily Ostrander, containing your certificate of community service credit.  This certificate proves you earned your hour(s) of credit through The Library.  Please keep track of this certificate as you will need it later if you want to request any other types of documentation.

How quickly will I get credit documentation for my community service activity?

That depends on the type of program you participated in, but typically you will be emailed your community service credit certificate within 7 business days.

Can I get handwritten signatures on my organization’s log for community service programs I participated in at The Library?

Yes!  To get signatures, you just need to bring in your log, and the corresponding community service credit certificates (printed or as images on your phone) issued by by The Library when you completed the programs.  You can ask for signatures at the Lower Level Service Desk.  Ask for a member of the Teen Services Department, and show them your certificates.  Please note that there are times when no one from the Teen Services Department is available.  If you would like to make sure a staff member of the Teen Services Department is available to sign, it is recommended that you contact Emily Ostrander via email at at least a week in advance of when you would like to get your documentation signed.

How do I request a letter detailing my community service activities and hours for my organization/award?

To request a letter for your organization/award, you must submit a request by email to Emily Ostrander at  The email should include your full name, grade, and which organization you need a letter for (and whomever the letter should be addressed to, if anyone), as well as a list of each program you participated in (name of program and date), and how many hours you earned participating in it.  The preferred format is as follows:

Name, Grade, Organization

Date:       Name of Program                 Hours

1/1/23     Take & Make Something    2 hours

2/1/23     Book Review of XYZ           3 hours

3/1/23    In-Person Program ABC    1 hour

If there are any discrepancies between Emily’s records and your list, she will request you send her a picture of the certificate you were given after you participated in the community service program(s) in question.

Important Note: Three Village School District email accounts do not allow you to send emails to 3rd parties; therefore we are not able to receive any emails from school email accounts.  Please send your email from a non-school account.  Thank you!

How close to the deadline for community service credit for my organization can I ask the Teen Department for my documentation?

That depends on what kind of documentation you need:

  • If you need certificates, generally, as close as 5 days before the deadline would be safe.
  • If you need signatures, providing you have an appointment, the Teen Department can sign right up to the day before the signatures are due. It is recommended that you contact Emily Ostrander at to make an appointment at least a week in advance of the deadline, even if you intend to come in the day before, to ensure someone from the Teen Services Department is available to sign the form.
  • If you need a letter, all letters must be requested no less than 10 days before the deadline for the submission. For example, if the letter is due by March 31st, you must ask for it no later than the 22nd of March.  Emily Ostrander needs time to write the letters, and cannot guarantee any letters requested less than 10 days in advance will be completed by the deadline.


What happens if the library is closed for an extended period of time, due to a storm, virus outbreak, or other emergency when I need documentation?

In the event of an extended emergency closure of the library building, the Teen Services Department will be working their shifts from home.  Email and your documentation will be sent virtually.

Teen Videogames

Looking to see which videogames you can borrow from the library?  Check out our Teen Videogames collection by clicking here!  We have the latest games for Nintendo Switch, Xbox, PS4 and Wii!

Also check out all our children’s videogames by clicking here.  You might find an old favorite or a new family game!

Can’t find what you are looking for?  Send the Teen Librarian, Emily Ostrander, an email at with your recommendation, and your library card number so we can hold the game for you, if we can get it.